We welcome Braunina and her 8 puppies to our Paradise! Poldo, Brando, Gastone, Minnie, Panna Clarabella , Carolina and the lucky Brino, which Braunina accepted in addition to her own puppies! Little Brino otherwise would’nt have had a chance. to survive. The young mother is part of one of the packs we are feeding and taking care of, on our way in and out of the Safari area. She needed initial support right after birth and is now coping much better with her new situation of being a busy mother. Watching this little family growing daily, assisting them in every new little step in their newborn puppylife is a blessing. Spending time with them let the busy world around us stand still, problems disappear, worries do not exist anymore. All of them are a little miracles of life, deserving a secure future… AND YOU CAN HELP! We would be very happy to share with you every progress in the life of just one puppy or of Braunina or the whole family. BY BECOMING A SPONSOR you help us to guarantee a secure future for these little cute souls. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION!